Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Stay Positive

Dress: H&M     Shoes: Solemate     Hair Bow: Dress For Chicks

 When I was in college, I remember one of my closest friend told me that she admire me for having a positive attitude in everything I do. Few years later my boss told me the same thing. He even say that I bring good vibes in our company. I don't know what did I do for them to say those things. I was really a laid back person. Always chill and relaxed. I never thought my "happy-go-lucky" persona will also experience this self doubt anxiety. Its hard to admit but yes I think I'm having a quarter life crisis. Its been months now since I started to notice that I am having doubts on my life (yeah Wtf!). Is this the life I wanted to live? Am I on the right track? Am I happy with my career? Do I provide enough for my family? When will I ever start investing? Saving? Questions like these and a looot mooore oveeerthinking drives me crazyyyy.
 Every time those crazy thoughts entered my mind, I always think of the things I already achieved. They may be little and not exactly what I wanted but at least I'm doing something to achieve my dreams. In a way, these crazy thoughts makes me more matured and makes me realize who/what are the important things I need in my life: (1) find my purpose in life, to live my life with passion, (2) family matters most, (3) saving and investing (4) stay happy and positive in life because worrying won't do any good.

Let me share with you one of my favorite quotes-to-live-by:
"All the water in the world can't sink a ship unless it gets inside the ship. Likewise, all the negativity in life can't put you down unless you let in."

Sometimes life gets hard but it's all just in the way we handle the situation. The way we accept things. Don't let something (or someone) ruin your day. Just stay positive and stay happy in everything you do. :)


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